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How do I lure my friends into joining my travelling adventures?

I have learned that organising a trip with the majority of people - be it friends or family - is tougher than pulling wisdom teeth out. So it was years ago that I finally hacked how to get travelling without waiting for anyone, but still have friends join me.

The hack is more than simple.

It really doesn't take much to convince friends to join you on a trip.

Here's how I do it.

I would plan my journey (which I've spoken about in another blog) and announce it to my friends. I'd literally say:

Hey, I'm going to this place on...these dates, feel invited to join me!

And believe it or not, once you've removed the decision-making from people's plates, and you already have a plan even if it is as vague as all of mine, people get itchy to explore and the fear of missing out kicks in.

Consider this: all the essential elements are already established— the destination, the dates, and the thrilling adventure. Whether or not they choose to participate, the journey will unfold. They can either watch from the sidelines, read about my experiences, and feel a tinge of envy, or they can take the leap and become an integral part of the adventure.

How to convince your friends to travel with you - my simple strategy

I can confidently attest that this technique has proven to be remarkably successful for me, enticing numerous individuals to join me on my explorations and travel escapades.

By employing this strategy, not only do you relieve your friends of the burden of decision-making, but you also create a sense of urgency and excitement around your travel plans. It taps into their innate desire to experience new places, cultures, and adventures, making it difficult for them to resist the allure of embarking on a journey with you.

This technique has definitely worked well for me and I've had folks join me in exploring places and travelling.

Embrace the power of decision-making, kindle their sense of wanderlust, and watch as your friends eagerly flock to be part of the remarkable experiences that await. Remember, sharing the joy of exploration with friends can be tough if they don't match your travel style, but if they do - it'll be amazing!


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