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Not so impressive on the Caminho - to Santiago de Compostela - Day #6

It was only when I was going to bed last night at 9pm that I realised how little I've eaten the whole day. The heat just doesn't help my appetite… I woke up at 2.55am thinking "It's probably 6am by now, feels like I've been trying to sleep for ages". Trying because I just couldn't really fall into deep REM sleep for yet another night.

I managed to doze off again until 6.30am when my alarm went off and the wind was bashing on the tent.

The day started with over 7km walk with the still painful blister and no coffee, food or good views.

I also finally finished "Ain't I a woman" 📚 after a couple of months of struggling to get through it. It's a good book, especially informative about black folk history in the USA and much richer than what a person may think when they first pick it up. It's a history of the division, discrimination, oppression and discourse/narratives not only between whites and blacks but between the sexes too. Enlightening.

Reflecting on boundaries and making slow progress.

Another 14km walked today. If it wasn't for the blister, I'm confident my legs can take me much further… Alas, I got to respect my body's patience. Camping at a less romantic place tonight.

I have been thinking more about my boundaries in the past few days… I have to put more work in reinforcing and maintaining them, because in my wish to be of help to everyone who needs it, I often neglect my own needs. Typical conditioning of a woman, coupled with being a psychologist and being used by everyone as their on call free therapist, relationships and sex educator takes a toll on me. I need to fix this issue.

There's a Bulgarian saying that goes along the lines of "The one who eats the pastry is not crazy, the crazy one is the person who gives it away"

It means that people who take advantage are the cunning foxes and those who are taken advantage of are to blame themselves.


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